I provide short-term counselling if you wish to address a specific concern, or long-term therapy for on-going issues which may have begun earlier in your life.
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I do not usually recommend a specific number of sessions as it depends on what is bringing you to counselling, what issues you may want to focus on and how long you feel it is taking to work through your concerns. However, it can be helpful to agree at the start that we will review how the work is going after having had, say, 4 or 6 sessions together. From then on, we may agree to continue working as we are or, agree to change the focus of the counselling or, you may feel the work you wanted to do has been achieved and we can work towards a planned ending.
I aim to work at your pace and to look at the issues you want to bring to sessions so that you can get what you want from the work.
I generally ask you to agree to have sessions on either a regular weekly or fortnightly basis as this allows for continuity in the work.
I also ask that we both give each other advanced notice of any holidays or other commitments/ breaks when we cannot meet so that we can work around these dates.
Once we have agreed a session time, I require 48 hours’ notice if you need to cancel or change the session. Otherwise you will need to pay for that session as usual.
What you talk about in your sessions will remain confidential between us (although there are some legal and professional limitations to this, primarily around risk and safety which I will explain further in the first session). Following the BACP Ethical Framework, I meet with a qualified supervisor on a regular basis to discuss my work however I do not disclose your full name or personal details.
If you wish to address a particular problem we may decide on a specific number of sessions or, for longer term issues which began earlier in your life, an open-ended approach may be more helpful.
I am a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and adhere to The Ethical Framework for good practice.
My work is supervised on a regular basis to ensure best practice and I am fully insured.